illustration by Stephane Parpand


moodss is a graphical monitoring application. It is modular so that the code accessing the monitored objects is completely separate from the application core. The core takes care of managing modules (loading and unloading), displaying modules data through sortable tables and diverse graphical viewers, handling user set threshold conditions with email alerts, recording and browsing data history from a database.
moodss can even predict the future, using sophisticated statistical methods and artificial neural networks, and therefore be used for capacity planning.

The graphical user interface is complete with context sensitive help (through balloons and a message area) and features a thorough and very intuitive drag'n'drop scheme for ease of operation.

Finally, dashboards created with moodss can also be used by the companion moomps daemon, for storing module data cells history over time in a database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2 and ODBC compatible), thresholds and UNIX syslog monitoring in the background.

Counting the Nagios plugins, there are now about 100 usable modules for moodss...

You use Linux? Try it right now...

Sources and
project management at: Logo


Main features:

What they say about it:


MySQL database monitoring:

Complete and thorough: myhealth, myerrorlog, myshow, myprocs, myquery and odbcquery modules.
Go to the specific MySQL and moodss page...

Linux monitoring:

Linux modules (click on the links to access the modules documentation): arp, cpustats, disks, diskstats, hddtemp, interrupts, kernmods, log, memstats, mounts, netdev, pci, ps, psbyname, psbyuser, route, sensors, system and usb.

Network monitoring:

UNIX and Windows compatible modules (click on the links to access the modules documentation): ping, snmp, smithy and snmptrap.

Apache monitoring:

UNIX modules (click on the links to access the modules documentation): apache, apachex and log.

Nagios compatibility:

The nagios module can interface with any Nagios plugin, located either on the local host or on a remote host (no special plugin required), with automatic preset thresholds (more information here).

Modules in Python by Volker, including helper library:


Internal modules messages module: trace.

Sample modules for developers (click on the links to access the modules documentation):


Linux memstats module
Linux memstats module
Linux ps and cpustats modules
Linux ps and cpustats modules
Load modules dialog box
Load modules dialog box
Balloon help
Balloon help
Various viewers
Various viewers
Thresholds dialog box
Thresholds dialog box
Global help window
Global help window
Printing and previewing
Printing and previewing
Iconic viewers with thresholds
Iconic viewers with thresholds
Preferences dialog box
Preferences dialog box
Database mode
Database mode
Predictor tool
Predictor tool


Monitoring a web server:

In this case, we are monitoring a Linux web server with Apache and the MySQL database as data provider for the dynamic pages.

The apache module allows us to get the vital statistics of the web server. We follow the kilobytes/second throughput on a graph.
The mystatus module gets complete statistics from the database server. Here, we follow the kilobytes sent per second on the same graph as the web server output.
The myhealth module allows us to set important thresholds, such as low remaining connections to the database, and be immediately warned by email in case of potential problems.
The cpustats and memstats modules monitor the operating system resources, providing for example a stacked graph on the different memory areas.
Finally, we loaded the sensors module for hardware monitoring, so that thresholds could be set on high temperatures or fans failures, obviously requiring the immediate attention of the system administrator, warned by a SMS telephone message (using the threshold scripts functionality).

Here is a screenshot of the corresponding dashboard:

web server dashboard
web server dashboard


Complete moodss, FAQ, formulas, predictor and statistics, moomps, database, modules and development HTML documentation, README and change log.

Now also available in Japanese, thanks to SENRI Hiroshi: moodss, FAQ, formulas and moomps documentation, including a few screenshots: main, printing, printing, preferences.

A great HOWTO by Mark Duling for moodss on OS X.




also visit my homepage in case I forgot something...

Bugs, patches, feature requests, mailing list, ...:

Please go to the moodss SourceForge project page, where you will be able to read news, enter bug reports, feature requests, ..., using the SourceForge tracking system.

If you prefer, you may also communicate via the users mailing list:


write me at:, visit the homepage for Jean-Luc Fontaine.

This page was last updated on November 19, 2006.